
Gahicon RLS-24

  • Plant height : 200-210 days (Medium)
  • 5-7 tiller per plant, Lodging resistance
  • Crop Duration : 78-80 days
  • Long ear head with full of seed in ear head
  • Ear length: 30-32 cm.
  • Bold and shiny seeds
  • Best for Summer and Kharif

Gahicon Diksha - 19

  • Plant height : 200-210 days (Medium)
  • 5-9 tiller per plant, Lodging resistance
  • Crop Duration : 85-85 days
  • Medium ear head with full of seed in ear
  • Ear length: 30-32 cm.
  • Attractive seeds
  • Best for Summer and Kharif

Gahicon MEERA-2424

  • Crop duration:100-105 days
  • Plant height : 85-90 cm. and lodging resistance
  • Ear: Large long and having more tillers
  • Seeds: Attractive and good market value
  • Sp. Feature: Tasty due to having more Protein

Gahicon Leader-501

  • Plant height : 210-215 cm.
  • Crop Duration : Kharif- 105-110 Days
  • Rabi- 120-125 Days
  • Cob type: Long and compact
  • Sp. Characters: Plant remain green for longer, Suitable for Kharif and Rabi.